Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Young Thug Covers Dazed Magazine

Young Thug nabs the cover of Dazed magazine. Young Thug's become rap's favorite weirdo, whether that means trolling him or praising his earworm music, he gets a sufficient division of both. Named as "eccentric-in-chief" by Dazed magazine, the blonde-dreaded rapper covers their latest issue and answered a few questions in the process, while we await his debut album Hy!£UN35. Take a look at the cover shot and a few photos from the story above. We've grabbed a few interview excerpts below, but you can read the full story here. On his family: "Six girls and five boys," he says. "I’m the youngest boy. It was hard at times, especially where we come from. But it was amazing because a lot of people don’t have the immediate family we do. It was so much fun, you know? I didn’t finish school. I did everything stupid. So when they hear metaphors and good lyrics, they think, ‘Wow. How did you know that? Why did you think like that?’ They’re kind of my biggest fans because they know me better. It can be amazing to them." On songwriting: "I think as I go," he says. "I can’t remember 16 bars. Unless you write it, you can’t. I just do it bar for bar. I did a song in eight minutes. I thought everybody could write songs that fast. But working with a lot of them, they don’t. Wayne and Drake, it takes them so long to do a song. I understand why, because they want it to be perfect. But I think I can do a perfect song in ten minutes. I did ‘Danny Glover’ in eight minutes. ‘Stoner’ took me almost an hour."

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