Monday, July 20, 2015

Kanye West's "All Day/I Feel Like That" Video To Make U.S. Debut Saturday

The Kanye West X Steve McQueen "All Day/I Feel Like That" video will make its American debut on July 25. Kanye West first premiered his "All Day/I Feel Like That" in March during Paris fashion week at the Foundation Louis Vuitton. The New York Times reports that the video, a collaborative effort with "12 Years A Slave" director Steve McQueen, will make its American debut Saturday, July 25, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Here's how the Times described the video: "Filmed in a single nine-minute take at the Chatham Dockyard in southeast England, the video follows Mr. West through an empty warehouse as he runs, crouches, dodges, raps, rants, sweats and pants, as if being pursued by the camera or the police or in pursuit himself, until he slumps against the wall to catch his breath. At several points Mr. McQueen’s focus is so tight that Mr. West’s face cuts in and out of the frame. At one point, the camera keeps its distance as Mr. West raises hands above head in a gesture of surrender."

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