Thursday, July 2, 2015

Chris Brown Files Documents To Establish Paternity

Chris Brown is looking to establish his paternity in order to have the right to battle the mother of his child in court. As we reported the other month, Chris Brown's newly-discovered baby mama, Nia Guzman, is looking for Breezy to up his child support payments by a significant, perhaps too significant, amount. However, Brown isn't letting that happen without a fight. According to TMZ, Chris Brown has filed the legal documents necessary to establish his paternity. Once his paternity is established, he'll have the right to fight Nia over child support and custody. The r'n'b singer reportedly believes he's paying her a fair amount (Nia on her part claims he's giving her $2,500/month). Brown wants the judge to set the amount, and he's confident it'll be closer to what he's paying than the $15,000/month Nia is currently demanding. On top of that, Brown wants to establish clear custody guidelines. Apparently Ni has been denying Brown visits to see his daughter, thus he wants a judge to lay down the law.

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