Wednesday, September 2, 2015

D'Angelo's First TV Interview In Ten Years Airs This Week

D'Angelo will guest on the Tavis Smiley Show on September 2nd and 3rd. D'Angelo has been a pretty reclusive dude over the last few years. Not only did he not release an album between 2000's Voodoo and 2014's Black Messiah, the singer has not done a televised interview in over a decade. All that will change when the esteemed songwriter makes an appearance in The Tavis Smiley Show this week, splitting his 2 hour interview between Wednesday, September 2nd, and Thursday, September 3rd. While we're sure they'll have time to get into just about everything, a preview gives us a look at the conversation centering around Voodoo hit single, "Untitled," the video for which cast D'Angelo into the unfamiliar and undesired role of "sex symbol".

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