Friday, February 24, 2017

Shaq And JaVale McGee Get Into Heated Exchange

"Get my nuts out of your mouth!" Golden State Warriors center JaVale McGee has had enough of Shaq's weekly blooper segment "Shaqtin A Fool" and the constant ribbing that goes along with it. JaVale reached his breaking point last night when, on Inside The NBA, Shaq and the crew unveiled a new "Doctor Strange" trailer featuring a compilation of all of JaVale's hilarious lowlights. JaVale McGee didn't find that video at all entertaining and he took to twitter to tell Shaq, get my nuts out of your mouth. Furthermore, JaVale said, "Shaq is a COON... always will be, shucking and jiving his way to the top!" Of course Shaq responded, multiple times, as did JaVale, in what has quickly become an ugly war of words.

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