Tuesday, February 9, 2016

DMX Hospitalized After Reported Overdose

He reportedly lost his pulse and stopped breathing; paramedics were forced to administer CPR. DMX reportedly suffered an overdose last night that caused him to temporarily lose his pulse and stop breathing. TMZ reports that Yonkers police found X unconscious on his back. at a Ramada Inn at about 6 PM Monday evening. According to the report, the 45-year-old rapper was lying on his back. His heart had stopped beating and he had stopped breathing. The cops successfully administered CPR and transported him to the hospital, where he is currently in stable condition. According to one witness, DMX “had ingested some sort of powder before lapsing into unconsciousness" -- Narcan, an antidote used to treat overdoses. TMZ had previously reported that X had suffered an asthma attack, not a drug overdose. Stay tuned as more details from the incident emerge

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